Cultural studies

Digitalization will transform not only the labor market, but also the mentality. Consequently, the meritocratic approach will dominate the selection and recruitment of staff when the parameters of "sex" and "age" will no longer determine the choice of the employer. In this regard, it can be assumed that gender bias in hiring and promoting workers will disappear, and the discussion of gender equality will look like a dissonance.
But in practice, competition for jobs remains gender-based: most employers continue to be guided by gender stereotypes when hiring. The expected "transformation of mentality" did not happen. There is hope for new technologies. They are impartial and objective in contrast to the bias and limitations of expert opinion.
Actual practice has fallen short of expectations. Artificial intelligence "demonstrates" partiality, violation of the principles of gender equality. As a result, the gender nature of competition remains. What is the reason? According to experts, the bias of the" real world» forms the bias of algorithms. Is it possible to overcome the bias of artificial intelligence? According to foreign experts - probably no, than yes. But if we recognize that AI bias is not a technical problem, but a human problem, then its solution is to eliminate biases in all aspects of our private and public life.