Peer review

Reviewing of all scientific articles is provided by the editorial board. Reviewing is carried out by members of the editorial board and reviewers invited by the editorial board. The entire process of reviewing an article passes through the electronic editorial system. 

Reviewing in the journal is blind - the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed.


Terms and procedure of reviewing

The standard term of preparation of one review - 2 months, it can be increased at the request of the reviewer. 


As a result of consideration of the article, the reviewer chooses one of the possible conclusions:


  • accept without corrections;
  • accept with minor corrections: the article is examined by the editor after the author makes revision;
  • send the article for revision - after the author makes corrections, the article is sent for an additional review;
  • rejection.


The reviewer's conclusion is a recommendation to the editor. Nevertheless, the final decision on the article is made by the editorial board.


When sending the article for revision, the author must either correct the reviewer's comments or motivate inability to do so. For discussion with the reviewer and the editor, a chat room is used on the article page in the E-Editorial board. The deadline for revising the article varies depending on the seriousness of the changes being made.