• Position
    Professor at the Higher School of International Relations
  • Affiliation
    Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Degree
    Doctor of Political Sciences
  • 195251, Russia, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29
  • Biography
  • Publications

Dr. Zeinab Z. Bakhtirudze is a professor at the Graduate School of International Relations at Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. She holds a Doctoral Degree in Political Science (2016, St. Petersburg State University, the Russian Federation). She is a member of the Russian Political Science Association.

At present, her research interests are focused on the evolution of international relations in the post-Soviet space, Eurasian integration, security issues in the Black Sea region, Georgia's foreign policy and Russian foreign policy in the South Caucasus.

Dr. Z.Z. Bakhturidze has extensive experience in organizing scientific activities at the Humanitarian Institute of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. She has participated with reports at many international conferences, is an expert of the Joint Commission at the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the harmonization of legislation in the field of security and countering new challenges and threats.


2000 - diploma of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, majoring in political science, with the qualification-teacher of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences.

2004 - Diploma of Candidate of Political Sciences, specialty "Political problems of international relations and Global Development", St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of International Relations, 23.00.04.

2016 - Doctor of Political Science degree, specialty "Political Problems of International relations, Global and Regional development", St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of International Relations, 23.00.04.

Academic career:

2002-2004 - Candidate of the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University;

2004 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Humanities, Educational Institution " Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology»;

2006 - elected to the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education " Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology»;

2017 - elected to the position of Associate Professor, Professor of Humanities, Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology";

Since 01.09.2017- elected to the position of Professor of the Department of International Relations (now-Higher School of International Relations) of the Humanities Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;

Since 2017 - scientific supervisor of postgraduate students in the main educational program of higher education - the program of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies 41.06.01 - Political sciences and Regional studies-Theory and philosophy of Politics, history and methodology of political science.


International conflicts in the 21st century.

Modern International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.

Scientific discourse.


The process of forming foreign policy.

Theory of international relations

Organizational and methodological work:

Deputy Director for Research, Higher School of International Relations, Humanitarian Institute of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.


International Relations
  • Year: 2018
  • Issue: 6
  • 14
  • 3850
  • Pages: 7-17