All issues

November 2021
Volume 9
Issue 9
Articles 3
Pages 196

«International Relations and the Dialogue of Cultures» is a peer reviewed publication that presents the research in the field of international relations and cultural communication.

The Mission of the Journal: Keeping the traditions of the best Russian university publications, the journal is open to new ideas and looking into working with the international scientific community. The uniqueness of the journal lies in the fact that its authors study the cultural dimension of international relations and are analyzing them through the prism of cultural studies, connections between cultures and also international relations. The mission of the journal is to promote new knowledge and the results of research in this area.

The publication selects and publishes research in Political Science and International Relations, Cultural Studies, Political Social and Economic Geography. The journal accepts original articles, analytical reviews, discussion and informational articles, essays and reviews for publication.

The Journal is created on the basis of the Higher School of International Relations of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and a cooperating international team.

December 2020
Issue 8
Articles 9
Pages 259
December 2019
Issue 7
Articles 12
Pages 163
December 2018
Issue 6
Articles 20
Pages 259
December 2017
Issue 5
Articles 15
Pages 203
August 2016
Issue 4
Articles 26
Pages 439
July 2015
Issue 3
Articles 28
Pages 445
October 2014
Issue 2
Articles 18
Pages 319

The journal is registered in the International System of Periodicals ISSN 2304-9480. The annual collected value "International Relations and Dialogue of Cultures" has been published since 2010, and since 2012 it has been published once a year as a periodical in Russian and English under the title: "International Relations and Dialogue of Cultures".

The publication is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) / The journal is placed in the following databases: Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The journal is distributed within the leading libraries of Russia,  near and far abroad countries.
Editorial address: St. Petersburd, 28 Grazhdansky Pr., r. 104.
E-mail: ;
In order to expand the geography of the audience and the authors of the articles, since 2021 the full-text English version of the journal "International Relations and Dialogue of Cultures" is planned.